George Gehrkes Xink

Gehrkes Xink® is now 27 years old. It may well be the most revolutionary invention in Fly-Fishing since the discovery of the hook. This product will eliminate the majority of the lead used in nymphs and wet fly patterns throughout the world if only everyone started using it. Gehrkes Xink® is the only patented Fly Sink in the world. All other products are plagiarized from other industrial sources including the use of common soap. Gehrkes Xink® is amazing because it is wetter than water without washing off. which was. until invented by George Gehrke. a chemical impossibility. Yes. Xink® is unique. Gehrkes Xink® is simple to use. Before one gets their streamer or wet fly wet. simply dress it with a very little amount Gehrkes Xink®. That wet fly is then condemned to sink forever.
Only £7.48

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