Lumen 19 61 Herbalist Home Scent Refill Vino In Vigna
The product is natural, with fragrant essential oils. Free of GMO and pesticides. Durable, high-quality materials are used to pack candles and home scents. Country of origin: Italy.Chinotto E Zagara - Fresh, sweet aromas for your home! Are you choosing to spend the summer in a remote farmstead and there’s nothing more pleasant for you than a long walk in the flowering garden, listening to the hum of bees and smelling ripe fruit, blooming flowers? Then this scent is the perfect choice for you! Aroma: floral, lemon, wood.Vino In Vigna - Rich, sweet aromas for your home! Do you tend to enjoy a glass of high quality, luxurious wine during dinner and dream of experiencing a romantic summer in the Italian province? Then this scent is the perfect choice for you!Aroma: grape, fruit, nutmeg.Pan E Zenzero - Warm, autumn scents for your home! Do you like to stop by the bakery and start your morning with a cup of delicious hot drink and an unsweetened pastry? Then this scent is the perfect choice for you!Aroma: bread, ginger and pumpkin.