Rooney s Fishing Supplies Rooney s Twists 5 0

Description Introducing our very own Twists. These have been in the pipeline for nearly 12 months so we could be sure we are supplying a quality hook. After using a variety of hooks from different factories we were happy with these but needed an unbiased opinion so we sent samples out to numerous anglers around the U.K. and Ireland to gain feedback with bass and pollock being the main targets. With great feedback coming in about the hooks we then listened to what they thought about quantities and packaging. Unanimously we all agreed on a pack of 5 and a minimalistic approach to packaging to keep the end cost to customers as low as possible. These are packs of 5 for £3.99 and available in sizes 3/0, 4/0, 5/0 and 6/0
Only £4.48

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