Swell Aquarium Rapid Nitrite Remover 250ml 2 Pack Black
What is Swell Aquarium Rapid Nitrite Remover? Nitrite is a part of the nitrogen cycle and is created when Nitrobacter bacteria convert ammonia/ammonium. In freshwater, the maximum safe level of nitrite is between 0.05 and 0.15 mg/l. A concentration higher than 0.20 mg/l indicates a problem with the filter. Nitrite levels higher than 0.50mg/l can be dangerous for the aquatic environment and can cause fish losses. In seawater, especially when there are invertebrates present, the concentration of nitrites should not exceed 0.05 mg/l. A concentration of 0.10mg/l can be lethal for some animals. Swell Aquarium Rapid Nitrite Remover is a product made of natural, purifying elements that can immediately counteract the decomposition of organic substances that create nitrites in both fresh and salt water. It is safe for fish, plants, crustaceans, invertebrates, and corals. How do I use this treatment? The recommended dosage for using this product is to first do a partial water change of 15-30%, depending on the level of nitrite in the water. If the nitrite level is 0.50mg/l or higher, a 30% water change is recommended. Next, clean the bottom of the aquarium and rinse or replace any pre-filtering materials. One millilitre of the product will remove 0.1mg/l of nitrite from every 10 litres of water (one capful of the product is equal to 5 millilitres).